Dear Students,
Studio Sreejanshilpa is offering Correspondence online coaching for students who are not able to take up regular classes due to shortage of time . Students who would like to avail of this opportunity may come for a discussion session with prior appointment and register themselves for the course.

The following materials will be provide for the online correspondence course :
1. Drawing questions with examples  will be sent every week and the student will be expected to complete the exercise and send it back for evaluation following which the next set of questions and examples will be sent.

2. Theory material will also be sent by post and lessons and exercises will be sent over mail where again the student will be expected to complete the exercise and send it back for evaluation following which the next set of questions and examples will be sent.
3. English and Maths for NATA will be covered under the course.
4. Mental ability exercises will also be delivered on the above  pattern.
5. Maths for JEE (B.Arch) is not available as we believe that if the student has done very well in the school maths curriculum it is enough for appearing in JEE (B.Arch). Old question papers can however be given on request. 
Students are however advised to attend the Mental Ability classes which will be held during the last week of May and First week of June 2013.
Students availing correspondence course can avail discounted crash course before the exam in 2014.
To Register please mail ''  or call 7838731710.


NATA 2013

NATA 2013


About NATA 2013 (Architecture Entrance)
What Is NATA?
The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) measures the aptitude of the applicant for specific field of study, i.e. Architecture. The test measures drawing and observation skills, sense of proportion, aesthetic sensitivity and critical thinking ability, that have been acquired over a long period of time, and that are related to specific field of study, i.e. Architecture.

Who should take NATA and Why?

Prospective applicants desirous of taking admission to First year of undergraduate course in Architecture (Bachelor of Architecture) in India take NATA. NATA scores are used by admissions authorities of different Government, Govt. Aided& unaided schools / colleges of Architecture, to provide common measure for comparing the qualifications of applicants for admission in addition to their scholastic performance in 10+2 or equivalent examination.

Where to appear for NATA?

NATA is offered over major part of admission season at designated Test Centers located at colleges / schools of architecture in India. Updated list of Test centers is available at the website

Test Fees ?
The NATA Information Brochure (including Registration Form) is available for sale at aprice of Rs.1000.00, which includes Nata Test fees, at the designated branches of "ICICI Bank". The list of Axis Banks is available on

NATA Overview
What Is It?
It is an Architecture Entrance Exam.
The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) measures the aptitude of the applicant for specific field of study, i.e. Architecture. The test measures drawing and observation skills, sense of proportion, aesthetic sensitivity and critical thinking ability, that have been acquired over a long period of time, and that are related to specific field of study, i.e. Architecture.

Who Takes It and Why?
Prospective applicants desirous of taking admission to First year of undergraduate course in Architecture (Bachelor of Architecture) in India take NATA. NATA scores are used by admissions authorities of different Government, Govt. Aided& unaided schools / colleges of Architecture, to provide common measures for comparing the qualifications of applicants.

Where Do People Take It?
NATA is offered over major part of admission season at designated Test Centers located at colleges / schools of architecture in India. Updated list of Test centers is available at the website
Who Accepts It?
All schools / colleges of Architecture, Government, Government aided, University Departments, private unaided, including colleges affiliated to self-financed Deemed Universities and Private Universities, or any department of Architecture within a college, requires that its applicants take the NATA (Architecture Entrance Exam).

NATA Syllabus
The Aptitude Test in Architecture shall consist of 2 papers: (3hours duration)
Test – I
Aesthetic Sensitivity – 100 marks
Duration of test:- 1 Hour
Test – II
Drawing - 100 marks
Duration of test – Two hours.
Test- I
Aesthetic Sensitivity is to evaluate candidate’s perception, imagination and observation; creativity and communication; and Architectural awareness. The test shall be of objective type and comprise of topics related to,
(i) Visualising three dimensional objects from two dimensional drawings.
(ii) Visualising different sides of three dimensional object.
(iii) Analytical Reasoning.
(iv) Mental Ability.
(v) Imaginative comprehension and expression.
(vi) Architectural awareness.

Test- II
The Drawing aptitude of the candidate shall be judged on the following aspects:
(i) Ability to sketch a given object proportionately and rendering the same in visually appealing manner.
(ii) Visualising and drawing the effects of light on the object and shadows cast on the surroundings.
(iii) Sense of perspective drawing.
(iv) Creating interesting two dimensional composition using given shapes or forms.
(v) Creating visual harmony using colours in given composition.
(vi) Understanding of scale and sense of proportion
(vii) Drawing from memory through pencil sketch on theme from day to day experiences.

NATA Dates
Detailed Information and forms about NATA 2013 is available on . The Forms will be available from 15 February 2013. Visitors are advised to get the updated information about NATA 2013 by visiting back to this website around 15 February 2013.

 • NATA can be given on any working day till 31st May 2013 at designated Test Centers. However, some test centers may stop conducting tests even before this date. Please check with the center before you go for registration.
• Appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. To register, contact the appropriate Test Center.


website links"
  1. ( National Aptitude Test for Architecture)
  2. (National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture)
  3. (status of architectural colleges as on 31.12.12)


VIOLET - Royal, rich, stately, passionate, impressive, nobility, spirituality, and ceremony.
BLUE - Serene, calming, cool, quiet, sleepy, sad,cleanliness, order, and loyalty.
GREEN - Fresh, successful, loving, greedy, restful, and calm.
YELLOW - Sunny, bright, hopeful, jealousy, optimistic, joyful, clear, positive, alive,illness, hazard and friendship.
ORANGE - Happy, cheerful, fresh, motivated, warm. vibrant, expansive, flamboyant, and demanding of attention.
PINK - Soft, innocent, delicate, tenderness, acceptance and calm.
RED - Alert, warning, sexual, aggressive, energetic, cheerful, angry, vital, exciting, deadly,fire, blood, and war
BROWN - Warm, earthy, drab, simplicity, and comfort
BLACK - Power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, depth, style, evil, sadness
GRAY - Well-informed, subtle, dignified, gloomy, cold
WHITE - Clean, pure,precision, innocence, youth